You want to request for a refund because the reason you booked your flight is changed. Now that you have made other plans or do not want to visit the destination, you want to cancel your booking and request a refund from LATAM Airlines. If you do not know how you can get a refund from LATAM Airlines? For that, you may know the LATAM Airlines Refund Ticket policies and processes. You can also contact the LATAM Airlines customer services through phone number.
Here are the policies that you should know before requesting a refund from LATAM Airlines:
The LATAM Airlines refund process is very easy. You can follow the steps that are given below:
You may visit the Airport requesting a refund, and the airport staff will help you cancel your booking and get a refund. If there is any health reason that you wanna cancel your booking, then you may carry your health documents.
You may refund your booking by following the process, and you can read the policies to know whether you are eligible or not. If you wanna know more about the LATAM Airlines, you can also talk to a customer care service and solve your queries. They will tell you about the other options and how you can request a refund. Also, You can go to the airport helpdesk for a refund. Their staff will help you and tell you the offline procedure. If you still have any queries, you can visit the LATAM Airlines website to know more about the refund policy.