If you are travelling in a group of ten plus, Vistara group booking can be the best option. Group travel with Vistara is quite simple and has its benefits. Besides, you can make a single payment for the whole group without hassle. If you want to learn how the Vistara group travel works, the article below is for you only. Here we will discuss the process, benefits, and many more; take a look to better understand.
You need to contact the Vistara travel group for your booking, and those who are available will make all the necessary arrangements as per your preference. Based on your group information, the agent will send you a quote, which you can accept and get your group booking done.
If you want to book the flight ticket for your group, you can get the booking quotation in two ways; via the website and over the phone. Here are both the ways discussed; take a look:
Via Vistara website:
Apart from the online procedure, you can also contact the Vistara group booking team via phone at 092892 28888. You can tell them your requirements, and they will share the quotation. If you confirm it, they will complete your group booking soon. Additionally, you can send an email at group.booking@airvistara.com and submit the request. The Vistara team will share the quotation via email; if it is ok, you can contact them directly.
If you are travelling with the group in Vistara, here are the benefits you can enjoy:
Conclusion: Following the information above, you can quickly get your Vistara group booking done anytime. If you have any doubts or need more details, visit the Vistara website or speak to its agent directly. You can also log in to your group booking account and get access to personalised support.