If you are a frequent flyer of Kuwait Airways, you can enjoy several benefits of being part of the oasis club. Having an Oasis club card, you get a chance to gain miles for every transaction from your Oasis club. Besides, you also add or buy miles in several ways.
If you don't know how to proceed with the Oasis club Kuwait Airways buy miles process, it's very simple. You can buy miles using the procedure explained below. You can also speak to the Oasis club customer service team if you are facing any trouble.
If you are an oasis club member, you can purchase a minimum of 1000 and a maximum of 50000 oasis club miles within a year online. Here you can follow the procedure below to purchase your miles by visiting the official site of Kuwait airways.
Following the above process, you can purchase or add Miles to your account anytime. In addition to that, you can also earn extra miles through various ways. Here you can check out further details to stay updated.
Being part of the Oasis club, you also earn miles from different products and services from Kuwait airways partners from different industries. For instance, partners form hotels, car rentals and communication services, shopping, and finance. You can add more miles to your account if you use any product or service from the Co partner cards.
The other ways to earn miles are with your entire family. You can sign up for your Family Mileage pooling program and earn miles or get individual membership for each of your daily members.
Each mile has a certain expiry date, so you must track the miles near expiry and use them on time. In general, the oasis club miles are valid for a healthy period of three years.
By reading the information above, hopefully, you are clear with the Oasis Club miles add on Kuwait Airways process. In addition, if you still have any problems or need additional information, you can talk to the Kuwait airways customer support team directly.