What is Copa Airlines Group Booking?

If you are a traveler and planning to travel with your group with Cops Airlines, then it will be so fun for you because Copa Airlines can provide you with many benefits if you make a group booking. In a group booking, the airline provides you with many advantages. On a group booking, there is one price for all the passengers. The group booking can only be made if you are more than ten people, then only the airline considers you to book a group booking. 

Benefits of group booking

There are several benefits of group bookings. You must go through all these before making a booking.

You must keep these benefits of group booking in mind, and you can ask the airline for these facilities.

How to make a group booking on Copa Airlines?

If you are seeking to make a group booking at Copa airline, then you must go through the process of making a group booking. The method of making a group booking is different than the normal booking. For the group booking, you have to follow the steps written below.

This way, you can make Copa Airlines Group Booking and if you don't get a callback, you can contact 1 (786) 840 2672 or 1 (802) 636-9417 the customer service team for assistance. 

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