How Can I Make a Group Booking on Air Arabia?
If you are planning to travel to your favorite destination and you have a team of travelers. If you are looking for Air Arabia Group Booking, then don't worry because the airline provides you with the facility of Group Booking. There are many benefits of group booking you will read further. The airline provides you with two options for making your group booking. Either you can make the request for a group booking on the airline's official website, or you can go through the customer service team to make a group booking. With the article, you will get to know all the steps to make a group booking.
Group booking through the airline's official website
You must get through the steps below to book a group booking request from the airline's official website.
- First of all, you need to get through the airline's official website from any browser.
- Then in the top corner, you will find 4-5 options. You have to click on the Plan option.
- There you will see a group charters column in which there is an option of "Group Travel Request." Tap on it.
- By clicking on it, a form will appear in front of you. There you have to fill out the listed details carefully.
- You have to mention the name of your group, the size of your group, the number of passengers, your origin, and your destination. Then after that, you have to fill out the journey type that is one-way or a round trip, then your departure date with the suitable time and your return date with the suitable time. If any person in the group has the requirement of any special food, dietary and healthy one, then you can mention it in the column.
- Once you are done with all this, you must enter the message to the airline if you have any suggestions or requirements. Then after that, you have to fill out the personal details like your title, name, if you have any reservation number, email address, country code, and telephone number. And by filling out the captcha code, you can tap on "SEND YOUR REQUEST."
- Then once you are done with it, the airline customer service team will get in touch with you and provide you with the details of your group booking.
Group booking through customer service
If you are not able to go with the online method, you can contact the customer service team for the group booking. The airline customer service team is available on many platforms, but you have to choose the method of contacting on a phone call. For that, you need to visit the airline's official website and then go to the contact us option. There, you will find the official toll-free number of the airline. Take the number, dial 920011969 or 1 (802) 636-9417 it and be careful with the IVR steps.
- Press 1 to select the language.
- Press 2 for a group booking.
- Press 9 to get through the customer representative of the airline. Once you connect with the agent, provide them with your requirements, and they will help you out.
There are several benefits of group booking. You can get the same price for all the tickets for all the passengers, and you will get many discounts if you have any special requirements the airline can provide you with. So if you have a group, then travel with the group to get the best deals on Air Arabia.